What does the design process with PrinD look like? From idea to part on the doormat, you can find out below exactly how it works.
What does the design process with PrinD look like? From idea to part on the doormat, you can find out below exactly how it works. Still have questions? Check out our #manyquestions page or contact us.
3D printability test
Take the AI 3D printability test on our website.
Request part
Request the part through the website.
Production part
After approval, part goes into production.
Contents page
What parts can be designed?
Not every car part can be 3D printed. As wonderful as the technology is, 3D printing ultimately has its limits. Parts consisting mainly of plastic without complex materials, electronic components or processes are often 3D printable. For example, a spark plug, pump, brake discs are not 3D printable.

Request part
If a car part is not in the shop that you think is 3D printable, first do the 3D printability test on our website. This uses AI to analyze whether your part can be 3D printed. Then you can request the part for production on the part request page. You will receive a response to your request from us within 2-3 business days. In doing so, we will tell you what it will cost and how long production will take.