Door Lock Latch Clip – Jeep YJ

Essential clip for Jeep YJ door locking system.
Ensures smooth and safe operation of the door lock system.

Door Lock Latch Clip – Jeep YJ

SKU PRIND66580924 Categorie
In stock: 2 (1 working day), additional ordering is possible

Only 2 left in stock (can be backordered)

Essential clip for Jeep YJ door locking system.
Ensures smooth and safe operation of the door lock system.

Door Lock Latch Clip – Jeep YJ

SKU PRIND66580924 Categorie
In stock: 2 (1 working day), additional ordering is possible

Only 2 left in stock (can be backordered)

Essential clip for Jeep YJ door locking system.
Ensures smooth and safe operation of the door lock system.


Door Lock Latch Clip – Jeep YJ

Door Lock Latch Clip is an essential part of your Jeep’s door lock system, designed specifically for models such as the Jeep YJ.
This clip ensures that the door bars stay firmly in place, which is crucial for the smooth operation of the lock mechanism.
Over time, these clips can become brittle and break, especially in cold weather or due to aging.
Replacing a broken clip ensures that your door lock continues to operate smoothly and safely.

Looking for a reliable and durable part for your Jeep?
This part is stronger and more durable than the original.

Why choose this product?

  • High quality: you will get a strong and durable product.
  • Environmentally friendly: Reduced CO2 emissions through efficient processes.
  • Cost savings: Our parts always offer the best price.
  • Compatibility: Suitable for the Jeep YJ.

Place your order to service your Jeep!

Jeep, Door lock, Latch clip, Jeep yj, Auto parts, Door lock


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Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg
Dimensions 1.0 × 2.4 × 1.8 cm


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